TOP 10 - supply players [crop]
23 321 349
21 812 101
19 572 239
18 296 100
16 820 648
15 468 857
15 349 374
15 210 797
14 512 015
14 385 916
TOP 10 - supply alliances [crop]
TOP 10 - crop overflowers
2 385 730
1 765 762
1 124 104
1 034 344
1 025 464
916 416
913 861
830 863
735 666
700 752
TOP 10 - feeding troops [Alliances]
02. 11. 2023, 00:15
Travian Legends latest version support
15. 01. 2023, 17:00
Various changes and improvements
21. 08. 2022, 12:45
Various changes and improvements
01. 06. 2022, 01:00
Various changes and improvements
28. 03. 2022, 11:30
Various changes and improvements
25. 03. 2022, 17:00
Functional graphs in statistics
23. 03. 2022, 21:30
Improved new account registration
14. 03. 2022, 13:00
New tribes (Egyptians and Huns) now fully supported
13. 03. 2022, 15:00
Various changes and improvements
28. 07. 2021, 09:30
Various changes and improvements
Partner links
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