TOP 10 - supply players [crop]
56 865 593
43 258 195
42 220 148
28 902 780
25 871 501
23 316 967
22 412 169
22 337 544
21 501 205
20 732 970
TOP 10 - supply alliances [crop]
TOP 10 - crop overflowers
1 764 251
1 225 718
1 092 252
1 058 368
757 789
747 645
666 142
662 357
626 773
612 096
TOP 10 - feeding troops [Alliances]
02. 11. 2023, 00:15
Travian Legends latest version support
15. 01. 2023, 17:00
Various changes and improvements
21. 08. 2022, 12:45
Various changes and improvements
01. 06. 2022, 01:00
Various changes and improvements
28. 03. 2022, 11:30
Various changes and improvements
25. 03. 2022, 17:00
Functional graphs in statistics
23. 03. 2022, 21:30
Improved new account registration
14. 03. 2022, 13:00
New tribes (Egyptians and Huns) now fully supported
13. 03. 2022, 15:00
Various changes and improvements
28. 07. 2021, 09:30
Various changes and improvements
Partner links
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